
Safeguarding Awareness - Children, Young People and Adults


Badge of Excellence

This training aims to develop a basic awareness of safeguarding in relation to children, young people and adults and to ensure participants understand their role and responsibilities in the safeguarding process. This training builds on the core social care values of dignity, respect and rights in the work we undertake with children, young people and adults


  • Develop an understanding of the core values of dignity, respect, choice and control, and how they impact our professional practice.
  • To explore some of the key definitions including safeguarding, children and adults at risk.
  • Develop an awareness of the different types of abuse and their main indicators.
  • To understand your role and responsibilities in the safeguarding process, including how and when to make a safeguarding referral.


This is for all professionals who come into contact with children, young people and adults through their work.

Enrolment details

To view dates and book on this course, please login. If you do not have an account you will need to self-register below. (External customers only).

Course Cost
